Monday, December 30, 2019

The Dark Side of Love Essay - 1479 Words

The Dark Side of Love In Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe’s Faust (Part One) as well as in Gotthold Ephraim Lessing’s Nathan the Wise, love plays a vital role. Love is the reason that an individual strays from the path to enlightenment and begins to act in strange, unpredictable ways. It decreases an individual’s ability to reason and takes away any incentive he might have to seek enlightenment. Since love is based on faith, it goes against the ideals of enlightenment which stress individual thinking. Love brings about a sense of fulfillment, which also works against the ideals of enlightenment which advocate a constant struggle within the individual to find truth or reach a higher plain of thought. In the Age of Enlightenment, love is a†¦show more content†¦Using the obvious social gap between the two, Faust coerces Gretchen into falling in love with him. Love has a certain attraction to it that few people can resist. Gretchen saw a painless solution to all her problems in Faust. She did not realize how harmful love could be when she was being seduced by Faust and so jumped willingly into the relationship. Another aspect to consider is how Faust falls in love with Gretchen to begin with. Mephistopheles clearly maneuvers him into drinking the potion and thus falling in love with Gretchen. This is another case where we can see the power dynamics working. Mephistopheles, who is powerful and wicked, makes Faust, who is merely human, fall in love. Faust cannot be enlightened if he is made to fall in love. He is not thinking as an individual. This demonstrates how love is an obstacle put before an individual that blocks the path to enlightenment. On page 125, Faust contemplates whether or not he should go ahead with seducing Gretchen. He is obviously affected by her innocence and purity and starts questioning his actions when he says, â€Å"Shall I, or not?† This point can be seen as a fork in the road to enlightenment. Just as Faust is moving toward the right path, the devil quickly pushes Faust onto the other path by placing the casket in the coffer himself and then rebuking Faust f or being too overwhelmed to take action. In this scene, love can be viewed asShow MoreRelated The Role of the Individual: A look inside the Galactic World of Star Wars (1977)1290 Words   |  6 Pagesthrough two different lenses. In Star Wars (1977) there was both a good and evil side. The good side, known as the light side, and the evil side known as the dark side. Both the light side and dark side have a role within the society. Without one, the other can not exist. The role of the individual within society is very important to how the balance exists. The individual aligns him or herself to either the dark or light side and their purpose or role in society is based upon their moral compass or emotionsRead MorePositive Strengths And Weaknesses1739 Words   |  7 Pages1. 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Saturday, December 21, 2019

Pro-Legalization of Drugs Essay examples - 1355 Words

Today’s society is suffering rapid decay due to the never-ending war against drugs. Politicians make dramatic speeches advocating tougher drug laws to when there to when seats. But what has this war really accomplished? In fact would legalization benefit society. Yes. Legalization is an option that should be heavily considered. I will illustrate in detail how the economy will be positively impacted building a foundation toward ending the So call war on drugs with a win for America as a whole. One of the issues with the drug war is the effects it plays on those addicted. The boundary between criminal who sells drugs for profit versus those who are addicted and need help is very slim. .According to drugs†¦show more content†¦If the government were to use the same formula with drugs. Once taxes are applied to the sale of drugs , revenues would increase dramatically. The same companies that manufacture over the counter and prescription drugs can bare the responsibility of regulation illegal drugs in the same fashion. The paraphernalia needed to ingest the drugs can also be regulated and taxed for the benefit of the economy. By legalizing drugs states and local governments would save some 25.7 billion dollars a year in time and manpower toward enforcement of current drugs and jail costs. On the federal level cost could be cut by as much as 15.6 billion for a total 41.3 dollars. According to Proffesor Miron , Harvard Economics Professor, who wrote a report fo r Cato Institute, Just Say â€Å"Yes!† Legalizing Drugs is Good for Society†¦.and the Economy. that legalizing all forms of recreational drugs would roughly 88 billion dollars for the United States economy. He goes on to state â€Å" Our current drug policy doesn’t work, Miron observes. Drug use is still in use in high amounts despite fourty billion spent on enforcement and prosecution. Mean while because they are illegal and unregulated resulting in a dangerous, low quality product that generate zero tax revenue. Legalization would solve all these problems. How ? By closing the budget deficit. NORML, a pro-marijuana legalization group, estimates that 1.2 billion per year for just oneShow MoreRelatedPros And Cons Of Drug Legalization1914 Words   |  8 Pages Pros and Cons of Drug Legalization With the onslaught of states slowly legalizing the commercialization and use of marijuana after the passing of sanctioning initiatives led by Colorado and Washington in 2012, societal attitudes have begun to support this movement in the decriminalization of marijuana for personal use. Based on the 2014 midterms, momentum for this change has been shown in different parts of the U.S., with states such as Oregon, Alaska, and Washington D.C. joining this causeRead MorePros and Cons of Drug Legalization Essay1476 Words   |  6 PagesThe Pros and Cons of Drug Legalization Should drugs be legalized ? Drugs are resources that are capable of affecting theAmerican economy in many ways--both positively and negatively. Drugs often have a bad name even though they help us everyday in medical cases. and the drugs with the worst reputations are not the most abused drugs One may benefit from the legalization of drugs in many ways, while others would suffer greatly. Almost every person in the United States has their ownRead MorePosition Paper-Khadijah Shabazz1222 Words   |  5 PagesUniversity 9/20/2015 The legalization of drugs is one of the most controversial and debated topics of the 21st century. There are both negative and positive reasons to legalize them as well as negative and positive reasons to keep them prohibited. According to LEAP, Law Enforcement Against Prohibition, drug prohibition is the true cause of much of the social and personal damage that has historically been attributed to drug use. It is prohibition that makes these drugs so valuable – while givingRead MoreShould Marijuana Be Legalized? Essay1372 Words   |  6 PagesLegalization of Weed Growing up, everyone is told that, â€Å"Drugs are bad for you,† time and time again. Now as a kid you don’t really understand the reasoning behind it, but you listen to your authority figure regardless. I remember being told this my entire life and even to this very day. But as I got older I realized that people would still use drugs even though it’s illegal. I could never understand why someone would go against the law and jeopardize their life just to use drugs? 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The anti-drug side says that the use of drugs should continue to be illegal and more should be done to control drug use. All side of this issue have a point theyRead MoreEssay on Legalization of Marijuana610 Words   |  3 PagesLegalization of Marijuana One debate that keeps coming up time and again is the topic of the legalization of marijuana. Marijuana is the most widely used illegal drug. Nearly one in three teenagers have at least tried marijuana by the time they graduate high school. It is also gets the most publicity for its legalization. Over thirty pro-legalization organizations have been displayed on the Internet alone. The legalization of marijuana , although popular by todays drug culture, would be aRead MoreEssay about Drug Legalization1209 Words   |  5 Pages Drug Legalization Strong drug enforcement in the United States is correlated with the reduction in crime , drug use, and drug addiction growth rates. The impact on tougher drug sanctions has been overshadowed by a myth that U.S. drug enforcement has become too lenient. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;This myth has been promoted by the multi-million dollar pro-drug legalization lobby, civil libertarians, and misguided academic researchers to the public with limited review and challenge. Attacks onRead MoreEssay Astonishing Statistics of Marijuana Use in Minors1539 Words   |  7 Pagesmarijuana has been a drug with increasing popularity especially throughout the past couple of years due to the legalization in some states. In November of 2012 history was made when Washington and Colorado both legalized marijuana for recreational use. Although marijuana is considered to be a Schedule 1 drug, which means it has a high potential for drug abuse and addictive properties, it is still considered by many that it is not harmful and is in fact the #1 most used illegal drug in the United StatesRead MoreMarijuana: For Better or For Worse?1740 Words   |  7 PagesMarijuana is a harmful drug and should not be legalized. Marijuana is the most commonly used illicit drug used in the United States. It is a plant that grows from the ground however, it contains many harmful toxins. There are many pros and cons for the legalization of marijuana although there are more cons than there are pros; one being that children are the ones who abuse marijuana the most. Surprisingly, against other beliefs, marijuana smoking actually does impair the user’s ability to drive a

Friday, December 13, 2019

How to Be a Defensive Driver Free Essays

How to Be a Defensive Driver Most of Americans carry on a DL (Driver License) with them. They know it is mandatory to have a driver license since they drive to work or to school every day; however, that is without mentioning the people that someone else takes to such places. When someone requests a DL, that person goes through a process of practice and examination in order to be able to have one. We will write a custom essay sample on How to Be a Defensive Driver or any similar topic only for you Order Now Most of them pass the examinations and practices, and they become a licensed driver for the State they reside in. Obviously, a good driver is not the one that has received a driver license, but the one that drives defensively. These strategies can only be learned in several stages. Precaution is one of the most important strategies to consider when driving a motor vehicle. When a driver operates his or her vehicle on freeways and highways, there are some precautions that need to be performed. Looking in the sides-mirror is very important since the driver needs to be alert of any strange movements of other vehicles. No one knows when others are driving under the influences of drugs or alcohol, or both. Also, paying attention to the traffic is very important. All drivers need to know how the traffic flows in order to consider the speed of the vehicle. Being alert on the road is the important key because other vehicles can also hit the brakes unexpectedly in seconds without the other driver noticing it. Distractions can be a challenge for a motor vehicle driver. Each driver is surrounded by many distractions, and these can be found inside the car or outside of it. While monitoring a motor vehicle, a driver is challenged with today’s electronic devices and technology. Today, cell phones play a big part in a driver’s distractions since they have been improved. The availability of internet on Smart Phones is one example of it, and most Americans own these devices. This distraction can be really dangerous since it encourages the driver to use the Social Medias frequently. Drivers need to ignore cell phones at all time during operation and concentrate on the road. Moreover, manipulating the radio and changing stations back and forth to find the one preferred can also be quite dangerous since the driver has his eyes concentrated on the radio display. Driver must maintain concentration and avoid distractions as much as they possibly can. One more example of some driver’s distraction can be â€Å"kids†. Children, especially when they are young and immature, can get restless in the back seats which can cause the driver to turn around to see what they need. As a result, the driver loses concentration, and the situation can be seriously risky. In other words, kids can exasperate the driver and keep him distracted from the task behind the wheel. Even though there are so many distractions, there always will be a solution to avoid them in order to be a defensive driver. Sitting on the seats of a vehicle, starting the engine, and pressing the gas can be an essay way to call someone a driver, but when it comes to the situation when a driver needs to demonstrate some of the skills that he or she has learned, most of those drivers out there can’t show any. A real driver is the one who takes the process seriously to archive the goals of a defensive driver. However, to be on the list of the real drivers only take to know some simple strategies that can be learned and comprehended step by step. Precaution and avoiding distractions are part of how to be a defensive driver, but also experiences in monitoring a vehicle is important to consider. How to cite How to Be a Defensive Driver, Essay examples

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Civil Wrong and a Criminal Offence for Copyright Infringement

Question: Explain the difference between a civil wrong and a criminal offence? Provide one example. Answer: The issue in this question is to differentiate between civil wrongs and criminal wrongs. For this purpose, the basics of each one has to be discussed and try to clear the differences that exist between the two and an example of this difference also needs to be given. A civil wrong can be described as the wrongs that have taken place against a particular individual. In this regard, civil wrongs can be redressed. This means that damages may be claimed by the party that has suffered a civil wrong from the party that has caused such damages (Williams, 1982). In this regard, the civil wrongs can also be described as the wrongs that have not been recognized as criminal wrongs by the State. On the other hand, the criminal wrongs are considered as the wrongs against state and not only against an individual. Another difference between the two is that criminal wrongs are more serious as compared to the civil wrongs because they are considered as the wrongs against the whole society, even if only one person has suffered an injury (Dworkin, 2005). In this way the wrongs that are against the benefit of the general public and the State are considered as criminal wrongs. On the behind the civil wrongs adversely affect the interests of a particular person. The acts like murder, robbery or theft are considered as criminal wrongs. On the other hand, the less serious wrongs like trespass, copyright infringement, causing nuisance or pollution are treated by the law and civil wrongs. In case of criminal wrong, action is taken by the state against the offender. On the other hand, in case of a civil wrong, the injured party can sue the other party that has caused the injuries. An example can be used to explain the difference present between the two. For example, if a person has punched another person, but no physical injury was caused, it will be treated as a civil wrong. On the other end, if a person beats the other person and causes serious injuries, it will be termed as a criminal wrong. References Dworkin, R. (2005). Taking Rights Seriously, Harvard University Press Williams, G.L., (1982). "Learning the Law", 11th Ed., London: Stevens

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Practice Problems free essay sample

Evolutionary theories often emphasize that humans have adapted to their physical environment. One such theory hypothesizes that people should spontaneously follow a 24-hour cycle of sleeping and waking—even if they are not exposed to the usual pattern of sunlight. To test this notion, eight paid volunteers were placed (individually) in a room in which there was no light from the outside and no clocks or other indications of time. They could turn the lights on and off as they wished. After a month in the room, each individual tended to develop a steady cycle. Their cycles at the end of the study were as follows: 25, 27, 25, 23, 24, 25, 26, and 25. Using the . 05 level of significance, what should we conclude about the theory that 24 hours is the natural cycle? (That is, does the average cycle length under these conditions differ significantly from 24 hours? ) (a) Use the steps of hypothesis testing. (b) Sketch the distributions involved, (c) Explain your answer to someone who has never taken a course in statistics. We will write a custom essay sample on Practice Problems or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Answer Null hypothesis H0: = 24 hours Alternative hypothesis: H1: ? 24 hours Df = 7 Critical t value = Â ±2. 36 Sample Mean = 25 Standard deviation = 1. 195 The test statistic used is P-value = 0. 049867231 Since calculated p-value 0. 049867231 is slightly less than 0. 05(significance level) therefore we reject the null hypothesis. Because there is enough evidence to support the claim that the average cycle length under experimental conditions is significantly different from 24 hours Ch. 8, Practice Problem: 18 Twenty students randomly assigned to an experimental group receive an instructional program; 30 in a control group do not. After 6 months, both groups are tested on their knowledge. The experimental group has a mean of 38 on the test (with an estimated population standard deviation of 3); the control group has a mean of 35 (with an estimated population standard deviation of 5). Using the . 05 level, what should the experimenter conclude? (a) Use the steps of hypothesis testing, (b) sketch the distributions involved, and (c) explain your answer to someone who is familiar with the t test for a single sample but not with the t test for independent means. Answer Null hypothesis: Â µ1 = Â µ2 Alternate hypothesis: Â µ1 ? Â µ2 Pooled standard deviation = sqrt((19*3^2+29*5^2)/(20+30-2)) = 4. 32 t-statistic = (38 – 30)/(4. 32*sqrt(1/20+1/30)) = 2. 4056 degree of freedom = 20+30-2 = 48 t-critical = 2. 0106 As t-statistic is greater than critical t, we have rejected the null hypothesis. The scores for two groups are not same. The group that was been experiment on had higher scores. There is enough evidence to support that there is significant difference in mean knowledge of two groups. Ch. 9, Practice Problem: 17 Do students at various universities differ in how sociable they are? Twenty-five students were randomly selected from each of three universities in a region and were asked to report on the amount of time they spent socializing each day with other students. The result for University X was a mean of 5 hours and an estimated population variance of 2 hours; for University Y, M = 4, S2 = 1. 5; and for University Z, M = 6, S2 = 2. 5. What should you conclude? Use the . 05 level. (a) Use the steps of hypothesis testing, (b) figure the effect size for the study; and (c) explain your answers to parts (a) and (b) to someone who has never had a course in statistics. Answer Null hypothesis: H0: There is no significant difference in the mean amount of time spent for socializing each day with other students by student from 3 colleges. Alternative hypothesis: H1: There is significant difference in the mean amount of time spent for socializing each day with other students by student from 3 different colleges. The test statistic used is F test (ANOVA). Conclusion: Reject the null hypothesis, the value of test statistic is greater than the critical value of F. The sample provides enough evidence to support the claim that there is significant difference in the mean amount of time spent for socializing each day with other students by student from 3 colleges. Effect Size We calculate R^2 = 50/350 = 0. 143. Thats a measure of effect size. ANOVA test is used test whether there is difference in the mean amount of time spent for socializing each day with other students by student from 3 colleges. The Value of test statistic is greater than the critical value indicate that there is significant difference in the mean values. The effect size for the study is 0. 25. Thus 25% of the total variance in the amount of time spent for socializing each day with other students is attributed to the college. C. This means that there is good reason to think that not all of the colleges are the same. Furthermore, we can explain around 14% of the variability in time spent socializing. Ch. 11, Practice Problems: 11 Make up a scatter diagram with 10 dots for each of the following situations: 1. perfect positive linear correlation, 2. large but not perfect positive linear correlation, 3. small positive linear correlation, 4. large but not perfect negative linear correlation, 5. no correlation, 6. clear curvilinear correlation. For problems 12 to 14, do the following: 1. Make a scatter diagram of the scores; 2. describe in words the general pattern of correlation, if any; 3. figure the correlation coefficient; 4. figure whether the correlation is statistically significant (use the . 05 significance level, two-tailed); 5. explain the logic of what you have done, writing as if you are speaking to someone who has never heard of correlation (but who does understand the mean, deviation scores, and hypothesis testing); and 6. give three logically possible directions of causality, indicating for each direction whether it is a reasonable explanation for the correlation in light of the variables involved (and why). Answer A. Perfect positive linear correlation B. large but not perfect positive linear correlation C. small positive linear correlation D. large but not perfect negative linear correlation E. no correlation F. clear curvilinear correlation Ch. 11, Practice Problems: 12 Four research participants take a test of manual dexterity (high scores mean better dexterity) and an anxiety test (high scores mean more anxiety). The scores are as follows. Answer A. B. We see a negative relationship between the two variables. The correlation between dexterity and anxiety is negative. Higher values of dexterity tend to be associated with low values of Anxiety (and vice versa). C. Correlation coefficient r = -0. 9037 correlation coefficient from excel using the =correl () function. D. Ho: Correlation coefficient is greater than or equal to zero Ha: Correlation coefficient is less than zero Test statistic t = -2. 98481 P-value = 0. 048152 Since p-value is less than 5% we reject Ho and conclude that correlation coefficient is negative. E. Since the correlation was zero, what we have found is that seeing the data we have observed is highly unlikely. Concluding the variables are related in a significant way. If there is increase in dexterity there is decrease in anxiety. F. It might be the case that high dexterity is a cause of low anxiety. That is, the more skilled one is with ones hands, and the less likely they are to be anxious. On the other hand, it might be the case that high anxiety causes dexterity skills to be low. That is, a nervous person might have shaking hands, resulting in poor dexterity scores. The third possibility is that both variables are caused by a third unknown variable. That is, it might be the case that the tests were given under different time limits. Hence the more time you are given the less anxious you are to be and the more dexterous you are able to be because you have more time.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Vibram Five-Fingers Barefoot Shoes Review

Vibram Five-Fingers Barefoot Shoes Review The Vibram FiveFingers shoes take on a tricky challenge. Body mechanics can get quite complicated. Especially when it all starts with your feet. The Vibram FiveFingers shoes are a minimalist or barefoot shoe that improves your body mechanics by letting your foot work the way it should and not the way it does in a shoe. The result is a great ergonomic advantage with improved balance, agility and grip. They may look funky but they are awesome. Why Is it Different? The Vibram FiveFingers are a barefoot shoe. That is they try to mimic going barefoot while providing the protection of a shoe sole. They differ from other barefoot or minimalist shoes by giving you individual toe pockets. So you not only have a thin, responsive sole that lets you feel the ground beneath you, but you also have the use of your toes. That may not seem like much, but youd be amazed at how much your pinkie toe can do if you let it. There is a larger debate going on on whether shoes are ergonomic or healthy. There is a lot of evidence to support both sides. But Ive seen what this argument can do to your pinkie toe. Dont take it out on the pinkie toe. The problem with most shoes is that they push your outer toes in. So your pinkie toe is almost never used. It may be small but it can do a lot. The Vibram FiveFingers not only let you use your pinkie toe, but they kind of force you to. By spreading out your toes, the Vibram FiveFingers give you greater control at your base. This translates to better balance, agility and body control. It can also lead to improved posture and less hip, back and shoulder pain if you suffer from those. TO make things even better the Vibram FiveFingers are topped (or bottomed) with the legendary Vibram rubber sole perfected for rock climbing and other such activities. This means the shoes fit your foot like a second skin and have an incredible grip. It is almost like having gecko feet. Does it Deliver? These shoes deliver everything they promise. It takes very little time to get used to wearing them. And once you start you might find it hard to stop. Your body mechanics will improve. And with that so may your health and confidence. Not bad for a pair of shoes. Beneficiaries The Vibram FiveFingers shoes can benefit anyone who has learned to walk upright on two feet. Others who can benefit from this ergonomic shoe are: Runners/WalkersSwimmersFishermen/womenAcrobatsHomo Sapiens Summary The Vibram FiveFingers shoes are ingenious, well built and a phenomenal personal ergonomic enhancement. They improve your body mechanics at the starting point, your feet. And everything benefits because of that. Balance, agility and body control are all enhanced. Your hips and spine have better alignment and your heel strike (a major cause of back pain) is better. The Vibram sole on the FiveFingers is incredibly responsive and provides an unbelievable sure-footedness. The Vibram FiveFingers are available with as an open top slip on, an open top with straps, a mesh top with straps and a neoprene (wetsuit material) with straps giving you an option for almost any activity. No snow skiing model yet. Getting into them the first few times is a little difficult, but you quickly learn. Keep in mind that the Vibram FiveFingers do not offer much protection on the top. The sole is tough and as puncture resistant as any sole. But there is not much on the top the protect your foot. But it is more than actually walking barefoot.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Religion Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 16

Religion - Essay Example Christ had a confrontation with Satan before the beginning of his public life. It is named as the temptation of Christ in the wilderness. He could surpass the temptations of Satan and started his mission of saving the humanity from the clutches of sin. The mythical experience that he had in the wilderness after the fasting of forty days and nights remains to be a key point in The Bible and it is considered to be the beginning of his teachings. The Holy Gospels of Matthew, Mark, and Luke describe the temptation of Jesus Christ prior to his career as teaching. The Gospel of Matthew and Luke give the detailed description of the incident. The Gospel of Matthew Chapter 4 words 1 to 11 detail the temptation of Jesus in the wilderness. The Gospel says, â€Å"He fasted forty days and forty nights, and afterwards he was famished.† (Matthew 4. 2) Satan appeared before him and offered three gifts on three conditions. Satan asked him to change the stones to loaves if Jesus is the son of God and Jesus retorted by stating, â€Å"One does not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of God.† (Matthew. 4. 4). As Jesus surpassed the first temptation, the devil took him to the pinnacle of the temple in the holy city and asked Jesus to jump from the top if he is the son of God stating the angels will carry him. Jesus said to Satan, â€Å"Again it is written, do not put the Lord your God to the test.â⠂¬ (Matthew.4.6) Then Satan took Jesus to a very high mountain and showed all the kingdoms and their splendor and promised him these entire places if he adores Satan. Jesus rebuked the devil to go away and by stating that only God is to be worshipped and served. (Matthew 4.8-10). When Jesus came over all these temptations Satan left him. This makes that Jesus was able to come over all sorts of human emotions and temptations and it gave him great impetus to venture into his mission of saving the humanity. The temptation of Jesus Christ is a highly

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Project Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words - 13

Project Management - Essay Example Despite a few known cases of successful project development and implementation, it is widely accepted in the industry that a number of unacceptable projects fail, especially in the IT/IS sector. According to Lyytinen and Hirschheim (1987), the estimated number of project failures is half of all the systems implemented. Galloway and Whyte (1989) concurred with the survey of project failures. Whyte and Bytheway (1996) further argued that more projects fail than succeed. Bozman (1994) claims that project failures are common in every parts of the world – it is an international phenomenon. Industries view project failures as either a pathological state to be avoided or a logical problem of goal definition (Lindahl & Rehn, 2007).This paper will focus on the different key factors that influence the failure of projects especially on the field of information technology (IT). It will discuss the different stages in the project lifecycle and the possible areas of failures in each stage. Furthermore, the paper will tackle the concept of risk management and its benefits in a successful project development as well as in preventing failures. A successful risk management system incorporated in a project will create a programme for handling probable causes of project failures.IT projects fail when it does not meet one or more of its criteria for success. The criteria for successful IT projects are delivery on time, completion on or under budget, and satisfaction of user requirements.

Monday, November 18, 2019

Repsitining for pressure ulcer prevention in Adult (review) Gilles Article

Repsitining for pressure ulcer prevention in Adult (review) Gilles BM,Chaboyer WB,McInnes E, - Article Example The objectives of the article were to; evaluate the outcomes of reposition in relation to prevention of PU, establish the most efficient repositioning schedules to prevent PU, and determine the incremental resource consequences and expenses connected with putting into practice various repositioning routines compared with alternating routines or standard practice. The author of the article has clearly stated the purpose of carrying out the research. The general purpose of the research was to examine effectiveness of repositioning as a technique to prevent PU. This condition occurs most to elderly patients who has reduced level of mobility. Another aim of the research was to establish a schedule that is most efficient to prevent the occurrence of PU. In addition, the researcher wanted to find out the incremental consequences on resources and costs associated with putting into practice a variety of repositioning regimens compared with alternating regimens or standard practice. This study was important because pressure ulcers has always remained a big problem to aged patients who spent most of their time at one point for instance on the hospital bed. The article has clearly highlighted how repositioning is useful to prevent development of Pus, which are very painful to the victims. The study is relevant and highly applicable to prevent pressure ulcers because they are painful, distressing, and dangerous to life through causing sepsis, infection, and sometimes death. Repositioning is an essential element of pressure ulcer prevention and management; it has a sound theoretical underlying principle, and is extensively suggested and applied in practice. The qualitative research method that was applied in this research was appropriate in addressing the research objective because it aimed to gather into depth information about how pressure ulcers occurs and how repositioning can be

Friday, November 15, 2019

How Does Patrick Suskind Develop Grenouille?

How Does Patrick Suskind Develop Grenouille? The novel Perfume by Patrick Sà ¼skind explores the issue of isolation and the effects it can bring on human beings. The novel is based on the main character Jean- Baptiste Grenouille who is an extraterrestrial from the time of his birth. He is forsaken by his mother, his surrogate mother and the church. Every character drawn in by Grenouille feels that something is unusual and frightening about him, mostly because he has no scent of his own. Grenouille at the outset struggles to find his own personality through scent, which turns from allure and revulsion. We can see through a close analysis of two excerpts from the book, one from near the beginning and one from the end, Sà ¼skind develops the character of Grenouille through the portrayal of scents throughout the novel as the central character matures. Sà ¼skind uses devices such as metaphors and juxtaposition to name a few, emphasize the smell or aroma which Grenouille observes and relate this to the theme of novel. In the first extract of the novel, the severity of the unpleasant smell or stench is portrayed in the region of France where Grenouille is born in Paris. Sà ¼skind gives an imagery how, People stank of sweat and unwashed clothes; from their mouths came the stench of rotting teeth, from their bellies that of onions (3). In this section of the novel where, the streets stank of manure, the courtyard of urine (3) Sà ¼skind describes the birth of Grenouille. At the time of his birth, he is unwanted by his mother and is left to die in a pile of rotting fish which literally symbolizes the smelliest place on the earth. The place of his birth in such setting sets the tone for the rest of the novel and the background which welcomes Grenouille in the world. The use of word stench portrays the miserable future which is implied to Grenouille even before his birth. The reader anticipates a tedious future of Grenouille based on the setting he is born. It displays a lack of opportunity available t o him to build up his identity in the left out world where he is unwanted by everyone due to the reason that he has no smell of his own. Sà ¼skind links the lack of odor with a lack of identity of a person or lack of his soul Grenouilles Isolation from the society is mainly due to his lack of scent. Sà ¼skind demonstrates that, with no smell of his own, Grenouille goes by the people without being noticed by anyone like a demon would fly by unexposed. At the young age, the children in the house of Gaillard felt that something is different about Grenouille and for that he was alienated from the beginning, as described They could not stand the non-smell of him, they were afraid of him (23). Sà ¼skind emphasizes the importance of sense of smell creating identity of ones personality in the novel. A persons identity has a direct relation to his smell; however this means that Grenouille has no identity of his own. Even though Grenouille lacks a scent of his own, he still has a unique ability to re-establish occasions, places, and people in his mind due to his ability of his great sense of smell. As Grenouille knows every single odour handled here and had often merged them in his innermost thoughts to create the most splendid perfume (75), he impresses Baldini by making the famous perfume for him Amor and Psyche. The strength of Grenouille is his great sense of smell and through this, he wants to create a perfect scent for himself by which people love him and he gets his own identity. He wants the humankind to be on his knees and the way they are looking at him as anti- human, he wants to be noticed by every single person because of his scent and wants to be loved by the people. In a search for creating a perfect fragrance and his own identity, Grenouille becomes besieged by the stink of mankind. He feels that the smell of human is basically venomous for the natural world. Grenouille hates mankind not only because of its foul stink and sweat, but also because of the human behavior and the world filled of debaucheries. Even though Grenouille is alienated his entire life, he didnt get any respect from Baldini. By using the skills of Grenouille, Baldini becomes a rich men and build his factories in the faubourg Saint -Antoine, succeeded in his scheme for exclusive perfumes at court, received a royal patent (111) and after succeeding in his life, Baldini turns to self imposed isolate from Grenouille. Rather than being thankful to Grenouille and accepting him in the society, he gets rejected even after he tries to help the human kind. After being rejected from the human kind, Grenouille is described by saying, He was not out to make his fortune with his art; he d idnt want to live from it if he could find another way of living. He wanted to empty himself of his innermost being, of nothing less than his innermost being, which he considered more wonderful than anything else the world had to offer (112). The aim of Grenouille is to get accepted in the society where he is looked by the people as an anti human but despite being rejected, his nature changes and his hatred for the mankind turns to a desire to rule mankind through smell. Creating an enormous fragrance by capturing the smell of virgins, Grenouille makes the finest and the most irresistible perfume and an identity of his own. The alienation which Grenouille had experienced in his entire lifetime turns around. In order to overtake the humans and to create a enormous fragrance, he commits murders of the virgins to capture their fragrance to make the best perfume and his own identity. When he is taken to the execution field, he proves to the mankind that he is something more than a normal human being. After his exposure of the fragrance he makes, no one wanted to identify Grenouille as an emotionless and an evil person to have committed those murders. As said these people were now pure liquids, their spirits and minds were melted; nothing was left but an amorphous fluid and all they could feel was that their hearts floating (245) He creates such as strong and irresistible smell that, it is well sufficient to overshadow the thinking of the people present i n the execution field. The smell he creates was so strong that, a single drop of it in the handkerchief makes people to participate in gathering sexual acts in the execution fields He Jean- Baptist Grenouille, born with no odour of his own on the most stinking spot in the world, amid garbage, dung and putrefaction, raised without love, with no warmth of a human soul, surviving solely on impudence and the power of loathing, small hunchbacked, lame, ugly, shunned, an abomination within and without- he had managed to make the world admire him. To hell with admire! Love him! Desire him! Idolize him! (248). Is the Internet the Cause for Higher Sex Trafficking? Is the Internet the Cause for Higher Sex Trafficking? Evaluation of The Internet and Sex  Industries: Partners in Global Sexual Exploitation The sex trafficking of women and children is exceptionally common however is not considered important by individuals who are incognizant in regards to the subject. Professor, Donna M. Hughes composed an article titled The Internet and Sex Industries: Partners in Global Sexual Exploitation distributed by the Technology and Society Magazine in 2000, clarifying the seriousness of sex trafficking. Hughes objective was to educate individuals about sex trafficking. She suggested claim of fact, statistics, and claim of significant value to achieve this objective. These systems made the article a solid reference apparatus to utilize because it makes solid claims that are supported by the writers skill and verifiable proof; in any case, the article contains faults on this point since it is out of dated. In the article, sexual exploitation refers to all practices by which a person achieves sexual gratification, financial gain through abuse or exploitation of a woman or child by revoking her human right to dignity, equality, autonomy, and physical and mental well-being (Hughes 562). women and children are generally subjected to sex trafficking when they are confronting destitution, a standing framework, or are experiencing a troublesome time. It is easy to compel women and children into the sex industry with violence of prior trauma and money issues. The United States is the main home for Internet pornography (Hughes 563). In the year 2000, pornography was on a lofty ascent without any goals of intrusions from the law or the people. Innovation was a noteworthy hotspot for abusing, promoting and conveying women and children to distorted men. The sex industry is one reason the internet is very popular and has become successful. The Internet was utilized as a part of numerous approaches to spread sex trafficking. Organized prostitution trips turned into a prevalent path for men from rich nations to come to surely understood sex nations to purchase women and children into prostitution. Alan J. Munn ranted about prostitution trips on the Internet in the spring of 1995, getting the word out to visitors. Alan introduced himself and his business as PIMPS R US, where he offered four days and a three-night trip containing a huge number of sexual delight from female prostitute. After coming back from these visits, men would go to the web, examine their encounters, and clarify the procedure at the end of the day utilizing the Internet to globalize sex trafficking (Hughes 564). The Internet is a cheap way to get all the information regarding your sex business out to the public, soon creating the mail-order bride businesses, which endeavors to introduce men and women of different countries for the purpose of marriage, dating or correspondence The History of Mail Order Brides. Mail-Order Brides rapidly turned into a generally benefitted business. Men would go onto the site scanning for a gave spouse whose objective in life was simply to satisfy her man. The mail-order bride website was more popular than the magazine because it was cheaper than print. With the Internet being so cheap and easily accessible, sex trafficking grew (Hughes565). Regularly, there is an expected 20 billion dollars made every year in the sex business. In the year 1996, there was an estimated 9 billion dollars spent solely on the sex industry in the United States alone (Hughes 568). David Schwartz stated that the Internet is where the big money is in an interview during that year (Hughe s 568). There was an estimation of around six hundred industrial explicit entertainment sites by the year 1996, collecting a total of 51.5 million US dollars. Rivalry in the sex business has prompted to more frightful and injurious mistreatment of women and children through suppression, torment, savagery, child pornography, live shows, and revolting pictures. These situations are corrupting to the women and children being abused openly for the world to see. (Hughes 565). For the year 2016, this data could be somewhat out of date. The reason is because there is a probability that sex trafficking may not be as high as it was in 2000. Also, there is a probability that the internet is not the largest supplier to help sex traffickers trap women and children. In 2000 the media did its best to cover up sex trafficking and the reality behind it. In the year 2016, the Internet was so effortlessly open that each time you turn there is reliably sex either on television or reality. In the year 2016, sex trafficking has turned out to be less critical to cover up the seriousness of sex trafficking and pornography that individuals feel it is satisfactory to go out and commit various acts of sex trafficking and sex exploitation. The writer Hughes utilized claim of certainty all through her article. Hughes would make a claim and backed her claims by expressing demonstrated facts that can be proven throughout the article. She examined her point and supporters for the privileges of the women and children. Hughes utilizes her platform to further her advantage to get the word out about sex trafficking and the internet. Therefore, to answer my question is the Internet the reason for higher sex trafficking? The proper answer would be yes, due to the fact that the internet porn industry is widely expanding and the Internet is mainly being used for sexual exploitation of human beings on private or public websites for either some form of currency or sexual satisfaction. Works Cited Annette T. Rottenberg and Donna Haisty Winchell. Elements of Argument: Bedford/ St. Martins. 2000. Pp 562-571. Print. Hughes, Donna M. The Internet and Sex Industries: Partners in Global Sexual Exploitation. The History of Mail Order Brides. Russian Brides, Latin Brides Asian Brides Foreign  Brides for Marriage- Mail Order Brides: July 25, 2015. 02 Oct.  2016. Web

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

The Tragedy of Jean Rhys Wide Sargasso Sea Essay -- Wide Sargasso Sea

The Tragedy of Wide Sargasso Sea  Ã‚   In Jean Rhys' novel Wide Sargasso Sea, whether Antoinette Cosway really goes mad in the end is debatable. Nevertheless, it is clear that her life is tragic. The tragedy comes from her numerous pursuits for love and a sense of belonging, and her failure at each and every one of these attempts. As a child Antoinette, is deprived of parental love. Her father is a drunkard and has many mistresses and illegitimate children. According to Daniel Cosway's account, old Cosway is cruel to his own son. Yet even if Daniel was not really a Cosway, and his descriptions were made out of spite, or if old Cosway had cared any more for his legitimate children than his bastard ones, his alcoholism is real, and thus he could not have been a loving father to Antoinette. Her mother, Annette, does not show much motherly affection to her either. Antoinette needs and wants her mother's love, but Annette is indifferent to her. Once, Antoinette sees her mother frown, and tries to smooth the frown out with her hand, But she pushed me away, not roughly but calmly, coldly, without a word, as if she had decided once and for all that I was useless to her. She wanted to sit with Pierre or walk where she pleased without being pestered, she wanted peace and quiet.†¦. 'Oh, let me alone,' she would say, 'let me alone' (13; part 1). One night, when Antoinette has had a nightmare, she awakens to see her mother at her bed. This makes her feel safe, but even then her mother has not come to show concern for her, but to look after Pierre, whom is frightened by her noise. When her needs for love and belonging are neglected by her parents, Antoinette seeks to fulfill them elsewhere. She seeks love from a newly foun... ...r her, if there has ever been any, is completely gone, andall that is left is destructive hatred: If I was bound for hell let it be hell. No more false heavens. No more damned music. You hate me and I hate you. We'll see who hates best. But first, first I will destroy your hatred. Now my hate is colder, stronger, and you'll have no hate to warm yourself. You will have nothing (110; part 2). He thus murders her last hope for love and safety, and brings her to England to be locked away in his attic. This is her second dislocation, this time not only removed from her own familiar world, but completely isolated from the entire world. Here her tragedy is complete, for her heart and soul are killed, and she is but a ghost, with "nothing left but hopelessness" (110; part 2). Work Cited Rhys, Jean. Wide Sargasso Sea. Ed. Angela Smith. London: Penguin, 1997.