Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Europa Auto Service Workshop for Modern Cars - myassignmenthelp

Question: Discuss about theEuropa Auto Service Workshop for Modern Cars. Answer: Introduction Europa Auto Service Workshop provides the repair and maintenance services to all car models with its advanced technology (Europa Auto Service, 2017). The workshop takes proper steps to ensure that it is equipped with the right tools in order to be capable to repair the modern cars. Customer Service Customer Service is a direct professional service which acts as an interface between the business and its customers in order to improve the experience in dealing with the business (Cook, 2008). The customers suffer from the lack of knowledge regarding how to deal with a business and therefore fail to achieve maximum satisfaction (Berndt Brink, 2004). For this, businesses generally have a separate part which aims to provide assistance to its customers with their professional services (Harris, 2006). It looks forward to achieve the following basic goals- Professionalism- Professionalism plays a vital part in improving the poor performance of a business with the competence and skill of a professional and allows to be linked directly to the needs of the customers (Cameron, Wilcox, Reber Shin, 2008). Promptness- A business must take steps to improve their time management such that the needs of the customers are looked into in the same time frame and they do not waste their time waiting idly. Personalization- Personalization provides every customer to be treated after taking into consideration their preference and personal needs and improves the relativity with the customers. This in turn helps in improving the sales of a business. Customer service must be undertaken in a polite manner which will not only salvage the rapport but also reinforce the respect of the business (Winston, 2017). Work Planning With a view to survive in the long run, Europa Auto Service has included a physical location which will be its administrative headquarters and a strong internet presence where the customers can easily make appointments, order spares and thereby easily save their time (Hill, Jones Schilling, 2014). The whole business is managed by four people an online business specialist, one operations manager, a mechanic and an accountant. The operations manager is responsible for maintaining the efficiency of the business while the other departments are dependent on the operations manager for the achievement of their individual objectives. The online business specialist plays the responsibility of verification of appointments and scheduling of clients via the online portal. Business goals and values- To become New Zealands high quality automobile repair service provider. To maintain a staff of 15 trained mechanical people. To restore and improve the condition of the vehicles. To minimize the cost to the consumer with the use of effective operational practices and to achieve good profit margins in order to grow in the industry. Maintaining long lasting relationship with the customers. Success Factors In order to be successful, an automobile repair business requires the right tools and spare parts along with in-depth study of the market trends with a view to be in touch with the needs of the customers. The workshop should also become the source for rare spare parts to attract the high end clients and increase the profitability. It should appoint the most skilled mechanics capable of restoring the cars back to perfect conditions. Outlook of the future Workshop industrys future appears to be promising and is expected to achieve growth along with increase in profitability. Even the financial crises do not impact the high-income earners for spending on luxury items therefore the future of the business is also forecasted to be stable. Moreover, the classic cars are also expected to be new frontier for profits. Competitive Strategy For the purpose of having an edge over the competitors, Euro Auto Service has adopted a strategy in which customers are provided access to the services offered by the business including the chance to source for spare parts and services like customizations through the online website. This in turn minimizes the stocking and cost of maintenance and increases the cost efficiency of the company in the eyes of the customers (Khan Khalique, 2014). It also makes customer review videos and post them on social media, website, etc. to enable the customers analyze the quality of work provided by them. Business Structure Europa Auto Service provides several products to its customers, one of which is car spares for classic cars, normal on-road vehicles, etc. Such parts are available on the physical location but with a view to reach customers worldwide they can also be ordered online through the website or e-commerce sites (Benwell, Deans Ghandour, 2007). The second important product is the restoration and maintenance of work with the feature of online scheduling for the customers to enjoy priority over others. It provides online services to its clients with a view to allow its customers to make convenient purchases with a feature of in-depth 360 degree tour of the vehicles on the website for the potential customers. Description of management team The workshop offers diverse services which are appropriately handled by the management team of the company with its skills and in-depth knowledge of the industry. The owner is responsible for the hiring of employees, approving financial transactions and balancing records while the duty of systems administrator is managing transactions and keeping the website updated with the content. The lot technician performs test drives and takes steps to ensure that the cars are properly repaired and maintained. The vehicle scout is responsible for making car review videos and evaluation of the prices of cars. Lastly, the sales representative handles the requests of clients and performs customer care functions. Supply and Inventory Management Lead time is the period between the ordering and receipt of a product (Reynolds Lancaste, 2013). It is completely dependent on the capabilities of the scout and is expected to be four weeks before the requisite vehicle spares are found and distributed to the workshop. Five units are sold during a month and needs to be preordered in anticipation of sales in order to ensure that constant stock levels are maintained It is important for a company to keep a balance in its stock to that the organization performance is maintained and there is no blockage of scarce resources like storage space and capital. Location Layout Every automobile business requires a dealers license through Motor Vehicle Traders Register in the state of New Zealand. The desired location must display three vehicles in the front with the dealerships name for marketing and visibility in the area which will then be inspected by the Motor Vehicle Enforcement Division who are paid a surety bond to protect the clients against malicious practices (Motor Vehicle Traders Register, 2017). Treaty of Waitangi The treaty of Waitangi was first signed in the year 1840 as an agreement between British crown and Maori and is the founding document of New Zealand (Orange, 2015). Various principles were formulated to form a government and manage various issues and the treaty also provided British full sovereignty over New Zealand and power to buy and sell land. References Benwell, G. L., Deans, K. R., Ghandour, A. (2007). The impact of leadership on eCommerce system success in small and medium enterprises context. Berndt, A. Brink, A. (2004). Customer Relationship Management and Customer Service. Juta and Company Ltd. Cameron, G. T., Wilcox, D. L., Reber, B. H., Shin, J. H. (2008). Public relations today: Managing competition and conflict.Boston, MA: Pearson Education, Inc. Callison, C.(2004). The good, the bad, and the ugly: Perceptions of public relations practitioners. Journal of Public Relations Research,16(4), 371-389. Cook, S. (2008). Customer Care Excellence: How to Create an Effective Customer Focus. Kogan Page Publishers. Europa Auto Service. (2017). Europa Auto Service. Retrieved November 6, 2017, from Harris, E. K. (2006). Customer Service: A Practical Approach. Pearson Prentice Hall. Hill, C. W., Jones, G. R., Schilling, M. A. (2014).Strategic management: theory: an integrated approach. Cengage Learning. Khan, M. W. J., Khalique, M. (2014). Strategic planning and reality of external environment of organizations in contemporary business environments. Motor Vehicle Traders Register. (2017). Registration and renewal. Retrieved November 6, 2017, from Orange, C. (2015). The Treaty of Waitangi. Bridget Williams Books. Reynolds, P. Lancaste, G. (2013). Marketing. Routledge. Winston, B. (2017). Roles of Public Relations in an Organization. Retrieved November 6, 2017, from

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